Advocating with Young People for a Just Transition to Net Zero

19 December 2022

This article details the recent Generation Unlimited trip to Sharm El Sheikh, which showcased the inspiring leadership of young people leading the charge for climate action and a transition to net zero.

As we witness the tireless efforts of the next generation in the fight for climate action and a transition to net zero, it's important that we all consider our own role in supporting these efforts.

We know that in order to create a more sustainable and equitable future, it is essential for youth around the world to have access to green skills and jobs.

This not only helps us reach our goal of net zero emissions, but also has the potential to reduce inequality and address youth unemployment. By providing young people with the right green skills, they can take on roles as innovators, employees, entrepreneurs, and agents of social change in the green transition.

Launching the Green Jobs for Youth Pact and the PwC-UNICEF-GenU Skills Report 

Creating access to green skills and jobs requires expert partners to join forces. That’s why, at COP27, we officially launched the Green Jobs for Youth Pact, our joint initiative with ILO and UNEP, to consolidate efforts across sectors. A reception hosted by LinkedIn was an opportunity to particularly invite private sector partners to join and invest in a green future powered by youth. LinkedIn co-founder Allen Blue endorsed the Pact, calling on many more private sector firms to join! 

A high-level side event, moderated by our Young People’s Action Team (YPAT) member Vicky Aridi, was another opportunity to rally support from the governments of Argentina, India, Germany, UAE, and UK, along with the European Trade Union Confederation and the International Organization of Employers.  

This event was also a key moment for PwC, UNICEF, and GenU to launch The net zero generation: Why the world needs to upskill young people which highlights how the upskilling and reskilling of youth is critical for a just green transition. 

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