Academy on Youth Employment

03 July 2023 - 14 July 2023

This course, jointly organised by the ILO's Employment Policy Department and the International Training Centre, the Academy on Youth Employment, delivers a comprehensive training package that integrates the core knowledge and skills for design and implementation of strategies for the promotion of decent jobs and social justice for youth. This year's edition of the Academy will provide a unique opportunity for a face-to-face exchange of knowledge and experiences with employment practitioners from across the globe.

Who attends this course?

The Academy is designed for:

  1. Government officials from Ministries of Labour and other line ministries, including Ministries of Youth, Finance, and Planning;
  2. Representatives of workers' and employers' organizations;
  3. Youth active in policy development and implementation, social dialogue and generally the promotion of decent jobs for youth;
  4. Staff of agencies responsible for labour market intermediation and skills development; and
  5. Staff from international and regional organizations as well as donor agencies and academic institutions working on youth employment issues.
What will I learn?

Through plenary sessions and elective thematic tracks, the Academy will cover a wide range of topics, including:

  • The youth employment challenge in a context of multiple crises
  • Youth, social dialogue and tripartism
  • Accelerating job creation for young people in wage and self-employment, through gender-responsive employment policies
  • Youth employment opportunities in the digitalgreen and care economies
  • Fostering systemic change across labour market institutions and supporting the transition of young people to decent work
  • Youth employability, entrepreneurship and lifelong learning
  • Extending social protection for youth 
  • Promoting the rights of young people

Download the Information Note

Apply Now : APPLICATION DEADLINE 28 April 2023

DATES 3–14 July 2023

English, French

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