Enhancing Institutionalised Partnerships between TVET Institutions and the World of Work in the Arab Region

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
What is it?

This report, a UNESCO initiative, examines Partnerships between Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Institutions and the World of Work in the Arab Region. The information collected and research conducted follows the methodology and guidelines of UNESCO for the national reports on enhancing institutionalized partnerships between TVET institutions and the world of work in the Arab region. This report aims to support partners in the design and implementation of relevant Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) policies that can contribute to employment.


In the Arab region, the landscape of TVET is changing fast in response to social, political and economic factors, demographic developments and labour market trends driven by technological and work processes developments. 

Effective governance models for TVET involve relevant local stakeholders and business associations and in particular, close partnership between TVET institutions and the world of work - public-private partnerships (PPP). The adoption of PPP within the TVET sector in Arab countries has received varying levels of attention and prioritisation. In some cases, PPPs are embraced nationally, and in other cases, they are ad-hoc, scatter-gun and dealt with at the municipal level. 

This study on the Arab States Region covers investigating PPP in five countries: Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Palestine and Lebanon with an aim to support the regional TVET stakeholders to explore practical options to strengthen and improve partnership between TVET institutions and the private sector in the Arab States.