Complementary Pathways through Education for Refugees in the West and Central Africa Region: Mapping Refugee Education Opportunities

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR),
What is it?

This report maps opportunities for refugees to extend the provision and improve uptake of complementary pathways through education by refugees from and within West and Central Africa (WCA). 

In addition, it emphasizes how UNHCR can play a critical role as a catalytic enabler for the stakeholder community to design and coordinate mutually reinforcing actions aimed at positively influencing the provision and uptake of complementary pathways through education. 


Strengths and weaknesses: key findings
  • WCA region has an inherent advantage in the existing conditions of entry, residence and establishment afforded mutually to citizens of member states of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and, with less consistency, to the Economic Community of Central Africa States (ECCAS).
  • Building knowledge and recommendations upon reliable data is critical. The review of country data highlighted profound gaps which in turn become knowledge gaps.
  • Practical, concrete, and immediate challenges to refugee access to educational opportunities documented in the literature reviewed are manifest in the WCA region and countries.
  • Contextual analysis permits a meaningful categorisation of countries as presenting favourable, somewhat favourable, or limited indicators for the development of complementary pathways.