Practical agribusiness training offers new prospects to young Ugandans

What is it?

This article from August 2021 is on the project initiated by the Dutch embassy in Kampala, Uganda, which has trained 21,000 young people to work in the agribusiness sector.

In the Skilling Youths in Agribusiness for Enhanced Youth Employment programme, young people develop the skills they need to set up their own business or to work as an employee in the agribusiness sector. Everyone can participate, whether or not they have gone to school and can read and write. There are different tracks within the programme for each category.


Around 80% of Uganda’s population of 42 million is younger than 30 – giving the country the second-youngest population in the world. ‘This creates opportunities, provided that young people are able to explore and deploy their talents. On the other hand, if you neglect younger people, they become a threat. This is particularly the case now that so many have lost their jobs due to the coronavirus pandemic.