UNHCR Youth Report 2020–2022: Working with and for youth in situations of forced displacement

Division of International Protection
What is it?

The purpose of this report is to comprehensively address the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)'s efforts and strategies concerning youth in situations of forced displacement. It is structured to describe various aspects of this issue, with a focus on core actions and initiatives to empower and support refugee youth.

Information for this resource is gathered through a combination of sources, including research, field reports, data collection, and consultations with experts in the field. It aims to be a comprehensive guide for UNHCR staff, policymakers, and humanitarian organizations to understand the challenges faced by refugee youth, the strategies required to empower them, and the means to operationalize these strategies effectively. The goal of the resource is to foster a better understanding of UNHCR's approach and commitment to addressing the unique needs and potential of youth in forced displacement, with the ultimate aim of improving their circumstances and prospects for the future.


The resource outlines UNHCR's multifaceted approach to addressing the needs and aspirations of refugee youth, emphasizing core actions for empowerment and support, inter-agency collaboration, and the establishment of a Global Youth Advisory Council.

Three important points from the resource are:   

  1. It recognizes refugee youth as vital agents of change, highlighting the importance of meaningful engagement, skills development, and protection measures to ensure their well-being and contributions to their communities.
  2. The document underscores UNHCR's decade-long commitment to addressing youth-related challenges and needs, reflecting its role as a cross-sectoral priority within the organization.
  3. The resource provides a framework for achieving the core actions for refugee youth, emphasizing collaboration across various sectors and the generation of data and evidence to enhance accountability and improve the circumstances of young refugees in forced displacement situations.