Access of Refugees to the Labour Market in Sudan: Review of national policy, legislative and regulatory frameworks, and practice

What is it?

Embark on a comprehensive exploration of refugees' access to Sudan's labour market, delving deep into the national policy, legislative, and regulatory frameworks shaping their employment landscape.

  • Navigating Policy Terrain: Gain insights into Sudan's dynamic policy landscape as we review the intricate web of laws and regulations governing refugees' access to the labour market, shedding light on key provisions and challenges.
  • Bridging Legal Gaps: Explore how national policies intersect with international frameworks to safeguard refugees' rights at work, identifying areas for alignment and improvement to enhance labour market inclusivity.
  • Voices from the Field: Hear firsthand accounts from stakeholders, including government officials, humanitarian agencies, and refugee communities, as we uncover the realities of policy implementation and its impact on refugees' livelihoods.


  • Policy Disconnects: Examine the discrepancies between policy intentions and on-the-ground realities, uncovering barriers hindering refugees' meaningful integration into Sudan's labour market.
  • Empowerment Initiatives: Discover innovative programmes and initiatives empowering refugees with essential skills, vocational training, and entrepreneurship opportunities, fostering self-reliance and economic independence.
  • Pathways to Progress: Chart the way forward with actionable recommendations aimed at bridging policy gaps, fostering inclusive labour market practices, and unlocking the full potential of refugees as contributors to Sudan's economic growth.