The role of employer and business membership organizations in promoting the labour market integration of refugees

What is it?

Dive into the pivotal role of employer and business membership organizations (EBMOs) in driving the seamless integration of refugees into host country labour markets, fostering economic inclusion and social cohesion.

  • Championing Inclusivity: Explore how EBMOs spearhead initiatives to advocate for inclusive hiring practices, raise awareness among employers, and dismantle barriers to refugee employment.
  • Capacity Building Initiatives: Uncover the diverse range of capacity-building programmes and resources offered by EBMOs to equip both employers and refugees with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate the labour market successfully.
  • Collaborative Partnerships: Delve into successful partnerships between EBMOs, government agencies, and civil society organizations, highlighting collaborative efforts to create conducive environments for refugee labour market integration.


  • Policy Advocacy: Learn how EBMOs leverage their influence to shape labour policies and regulations that promote refugee employment rights and opportunities, advocating for fair and equitable treatment.
  • Sector-specific Solutions: Discover tailored approaches and best practices developed by EBMOs to address the unique needs and challenges faced by refugees across various industries, from hospitality to manufacturing.
  • Measuring Impact: Gain insights into methodologies employed by EBMOs to measure the impact of their initiatives, tracking progress towards enhanced refugee integration and sustainable economic growth.

Fast Facts