Comprehensive rapid assessment of public employment services in Uganda - With a special assessment in two target host community refugee settlements fo

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Comprehensive Rapid Assessment of Public Employment Services in Uganda

Embark on a comprehensive exploration of Uganda's public employment services, with a special focus on two host community refugee settlements.

  • Understanding Public Employment Services: Delve into an in-depth analysis of Uganda's public employment services framework, examining their structure, effectiveness, and reach across various regions, with a particular emphasis on refugee settlements.

  • Special Assessment in Refugee Settlements: Gain insights into the unique challenges and opportunities faced by refugees and host communities accessing public employment services in designated settlements, shedding light on tailored interventions and strategies for enhanced support.


  • Integration Challenges: Identify barriers hindering the seamless integration of refugees into public employment services, including language barriers, lack of documentation, and limited awareness of available opportunities.

  • Innovative Solutions: Discover innovative approaches and best practices adopted by public employment services to address the unique needs of refugees and host communities, fostering inclusivity and empowerment.

  • Collaborative Strategies: Explore collaborative strategies between government agencies, humanitarian organizations, and local communities to strengthen public employment services, enhance coordination, and maximize impact in refugee settlements.

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