YouthCan! Facts and Figures 2019

SOS Children's Villages
What is it?

YouthCan! supports young people who have lost parental care or are at risk of losing it on their journey to decent work and independent life.

In this global partnership between SOS Children’s Villages and the private sector, corporate volunteers share their time, skills, expertise and own career journeys.


In 2019, YouthCan! was active in 31 countries, reaching 5,700 young people and more than 1,700 volunteers. Diversifying the activities offered per participant and expanding upon existing programmes to best suit the needs of our participants were the biggest focus areas in 2019. Youth employability activities saw a 50% increase compared to last year, with more than 300 activities
made available to young people across the globe. As a result, higher employability and an increase in digital skills are reported for young people growing up in alternative care offered by SOS Children’s Villages. We see evidence in the programmes that where YouthCan! is implemented, the self-reliance rate of young people leaving care is developing at a 5% higher rate than on the global average across all our programmes.

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