Promotion, Inclusion and Protection of Refugees in the Gig Economy

What is it?

The concept note addresses challenges encountered by forcibly displaced individuals and host communities in the digital economy, aiming to improve working conditions, mitigate digital risks, and foster inclusive employment strategies. It was developed through collaborative efforts, likely funded by a governmental entity. The goal is to enhance policy development, capacity building, and testing of innovative approaches to support refugees and host communities in accessing safer and more inclusive digital livelihood opportunities.


The resource underscores the hurdles faced by forcibly displaced individuals and host communities in accessing opportunities in the digital economy, advocating for policy frameworks, capacity building, and innovative solutions for safer and more inclusive digital livelihoods.

  • Lack of policy frameworks hinders progress in ensuring better jobs, social protection, and financial inclusion in the digital sphere.
  • Capacity building targets various stakeholders, including employers, online platforms, humanitarian organizations, policymakers, and host communities.
  • Testing innovative approaches to create secure and refugee-inclusive digital work opportunities, with a focus on scalable models, is a key aspect of the initiative.